Allergy Relief


Allergy Relief is designed to diminish inflammation and build resistance to allergies overtime.


Allergy Relief is designed to diminish inflammation and build resistance to allergies overtime.

For best results we suggest you begin using this product on a low dose in the last four weeks of winter, or at a minimum the last 2 weeks, and continue use right till the end of summer. By beginning early you will build up a resistance and suffer the dreaded effects of Hay fever no more!

If you have only just found this product and it’s already to late to “build up some resistance” then we suggest you begin with a bottle of Sinease, this tackles the acute symptoms of Hayfever. Once this is done move onto the Allergy relief and stay with it right through Spring/Summer to build resistance over time – then remember to start again next year in the last four weeks of winter, or at a minimum the last 2 weeks

So, if your Hay Fever is severe and you are struggling now – grab both. If you are just wanting to simply build resistance and get rid of those itchy eyes and running nose then grab the allergy relief today and watch your symptoms disappear overtime.

Remember to drink tons of water as well (at least 2 litres of pure water daily) to help your Liver and Kidney’s flush the histamine. We also can’t under estimate how important it is for you to reduce mucas forming foods, IE cakes, pastries, pies etc – these will only run your immune system into further overdrive!

We strongly recommend that you take this product alongside our Blood Purifying Tonic & Mineral Max products to attain its full benefits. If you suffer from hay fever you may also wish to consider our Para formula which treats parasite infections (parasite infections tend to be followed by cases of asthma, hay fever and eczema).

CONTENTS: Nettle leaf, Eyebright, Echinacea, Biacal Skullcap, Marshmellow, Colloidal minerals & Vegetable Glycerine.

DOSE: Adult 3mls 1-2 times daily for maintenance or 5mls 3x daily if hayfever is chronic.

Child (over 5) 2mls 1-2x daily

Child (under 5) 1ml 1-2x daily

Additional information


500ml, 100ml, 200ml